Removing Unused CSS in Tailwind with PurgeCSS

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When you create new utilities, variants, breakpoints in Tailwind, the file size of your generated CSS bundle can become quite large. Adding PurgeCSS as a build step makes this worry go away and shrinks your CSS down by removing any class that is never used.

alex rodriguez
~ 7 years ago

Thanks this was great! One small issue I am encountering, though... purgecss removes css with prefixes from the final file. Any thoughts how to get around that? Thanks again!

~ 7 years ago

Great course, Simon! Thanks for putting it together.

Simon Vrachliotisinstructor
~ 7 years ago

Thanks this was great! One small issue I am encountering, though... purgecss removes css with prefixes from the final file. Any thoughts how to get around that? Thanks again!

Turns out that to avoid the : prefixed classes to be stripped, you need to pass a custom extractor to purgeCSS:

Custom extractor for purgeCSS to avoid 
stripping classes with `:` prefixes
class TailwindExtractor {
  static extract(content) {
    return content.match(/[A-z0-9-:\/]+/g) || [];

and then, in the CSS gulp task:

      content: [paths.dist.base + "*.html"],
      extractors: [
          extractor: TailwindExtractor,
          extensions: ["html", "js"]

Let me know if that helps!

alex rodriguez
~ 7 years ago

Excellent! Worked perfectly. Thanks again, Simon!