illustration for Build User Interfaces by Composing CSS Utility Classes with Tailwind

Build User Interfaces by Composing CSS Utility Classes with Tailwind

Updated 4 years ago
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Building your web app with a fully customized design is a daunting task. If you aren't a CSS expert, applying a design style to your markup can consume hours and hours as you try to tweak pixels, align elements, and bang your head on the desk in frustration.

Tailwind provides us with highly composable utility classes but leaves the design specification entirely up to the user to maintain that custom look and feel to your app.

In this course, you'll learn how to handle responsive breakpoints, how to trigger specific element states, how to handle specificity, how to keep your bundle file size in check, and how to seamlessly extend Tailwind with your own custom utility classes.

By the end of the course, you should have a firm understanding of how Tailwind works and be able to create your own tailor-made design system and utility class CSS toolkit for your next project!

Learner Reviews

  • David Free
    4 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    Lots of great little tricks in these videos. Well worth the 30 minutes if you are going to use Tailwind!

  • James E Lovejoy
    4 years ago
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    How will you use what you learned from this course?

    Hi Simon,

    I enjoyed the quick videos showing examples of how to use tailwind classes and customize them.  Found the representation of tailwind logic extremely helpful.  One of the few actual tailwind courses I could find.
  • Alan Gorton
    4 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    Nice, clear presentation. Content at the right level for me (a CSS enthusiastic amateur). Thanks!

  • Tom Stones
    4 years ago
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    How will you use what you learned from this collection?

    I am evaluating using Tailwind or a large scall application so i am using this to get some grounding in tailwind

  • Andrea Barghigiani
    5 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    The introduction highlights the good parts of Tailwind, Made me curious to start using it

  • Michael Fields
    5 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    Fast paced but easy to follow. Loved the responsive card episode.

Course Content

21m • 13 lessons

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