Use Git Flow as a Reliable Version Control Model

InstructorMark Shust

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A reliable version control and source code tracking process is important for delivering apps with consistency and reliability. In this lesson, we will learn aspects of the Git Flow branching model which provide standards for developing and deploying apps with Git. We will walk through the methodologies of this well-known branching model, how to work with it from develop through to staging environments, and versioning your source code properly for production.

~ 7 years ago

Thank you for this workflow!

~ 7 years ago

Hi Mark,

Why do you add the develop branch name after the command checkout like in 00:51? Isn't git checkout -b feature/foo is enough to create a new branch named feature/foo and switch to that newly created branch?

Thank you!

~ 7 years ago

@Konekoya - it is to tell git to create the new feature/foo branch from the develop branch specifically. It's a good idea to do that systematically (indicating from which branch you want to create a new one) since it guarantees that even if you are not on the right branch (imagine you are still on master) the new branch will still be created from the correct target branch.

Dr.Emmett Brown
~ 6 years ago

Please use "git flow" instead of managing all this manually. it's managing all new branch operation for you.There are two links very useful. Please review them.