Deploy a DynamoDB table to AWS using the Serverless Framework

InstructorNik Graf

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The Serverless Framework uses CloudFormation to deploy our functions. Using the resources section we can deploy and configure a wide range of AWS services using raw CloudFormation definitions. In this session we demonstrate this by adding a DynamoDB table to our application.

Your table can be seen here.

Reilly Sweetland
~ 7 years ago

Do you mind clarifying this YAML syntax?

  -                                    <---- ?
    AttributeName: id
    AttributeType: S
Nik Grafinstructor
~ 7 years ago

@Reilly Sweetland sure, it's a list and in this case a list of objects

    AttributeName: id
    AttributeType: S
    AttributeName: createdAt
    AttributeType: N # for number

A list of strings would look like this:

- "cat"
- "dog"
Reilly Sweetland
~ 7 years ago

Ah! Thank you. Fantastic course, btw. Really appreciate you putting it together.

Nik Grafinstructor
~ 7 years ago

Glad you like it!

Daniel Uhl
~ 6 years ago

Quick tip, if you deploy successfully and can't see the table in AWS make sure you're on the same location it's deploying to. I spent way too long scratching my head on that one.

~ 6 years ago

Quick tip, if you deploy successfully and can't see the table in AWS make sure you're on the same location it's deploying to. I spent way too long scratching my head on that one.

Thank you!

Fluffy Pink Unicorns
~ 6 years ago

Could you please help on this error:

validation error detected: Value 'Hash' at 'keySchema.1.member.keyType' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy enum value set: [HASH, RANGE] (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: C5PFA84D3TQ1EPFN15EAUBBH83VV4KQNSO5AEMVJF66Q9ASUAAJG)

Use HASH instead of Hash

Luke Dyson
~ 5 years ago

I've followed the guide, updated the YML with the DynamoDB defintion, run the script, which succeeds, but no new DynamoDB instance exists in my AWS account.

What am I doing wrong?

Luke Dyson
~ 5 years ago

I've followed the guide, updated the YML with the DynamoDB defintion, run the script, which succeeds, but no new DynamoDB instance exists in my AWS account.

What am I doing wrong?

Seems nothing - although the default region of us-east-1 doesn't seem to support DynamoDB, I changed to my AWS accounts default region, and can now see the Lambda and the DynamoDB instance

~ 5 years ago

Luke, worked for me with us-east-1 (which was set up for me by default, and I'm actually in a different region). The reason I've started reading comments is that it didn't work first. It was just a typo in my case.